The Flower Shop

The first time I stood by the flower shop, I barely noticed it. In the duration of fervor while standing there for the first 10 minute, I can’t say I could have told then if world was existing. I barely knew if I myself was there in that duration of moment.

The ten minute of wait in highly elated state when ended, the reality dawned sharply. The drastic shift of realization while the state of elation was not yet gone did the unasked magic. My life lived before flashed through in the series from unobserved angle.

So that’s what’s happening.. and I have been fool enough to not see any of those.. I was talking with myself aloud. I turned around and finally noticed the people about, the beautiful day that it was, clear sky and how the flower shop was spot on in well fitted location.
My mind was slowly giving way under the weight of guilt and heavy realization. Before the body would respond to that, I walked to the shop, sat down to let energy gather.

I could sense the building of fever. I needed to get home fast. I asked for a glass of water, bought Jasmine flowers hoping they would hold me somehow.
The flowers kept the hold and I reached home fine but couldn’t come out until after a week.

When I visited the flower shop for the second time, I’d already quitted my study and the job. I’d great time with the owner of the place. We got quite funny over how I’d scared her the first time and how she felt guilty that she charged me for those jasmine flowers.

The third visit led me to work there.

Then after 3 years, I bought the space.

Now, the space has been enlarged a bit that contains my office space with large window directly facing the corner where I’d waited by to find self in return.

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